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Case 4- Dr. Giuseppe FLORIS

Description: On a Friday evening an urgent core needle biopsy from a pre-menopausal woman Nodule palpated by patient, in the right breast. Rapidly growing (doubled in size over 2 weeks in time). Spontaneous bloody nipple discharge. Her aunt died of breast cancer at young age. Radiology: mass in the right breast (27 mm); prepectoral at 9h; sharply defined, hyporeflective DD fibroadenoma, phyllodes, mucinous tumor, inflamed cystic lesion? The core needle biopsy of the primary tumor is shown (H&E B-1724180) Two years later, a metastatic lesion in the small intestine is removed and immune checkpoint blocking therapy is started. The H&E of the surgical specimen is shown (H&E B-1823744) Five years later from the primary tumor (three from the metastasis), during her follow up a hypermetabolic lesion in the right breast (8 mm), prepectoral at 9hrs was observed. Radiographically located in the same place as five year earlier. The resection specimen of this lesion and the lymph node CNB collected from the right axilla is shown (H&E B-1963521; B-1985836)

Created date: 2021-05-11

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Scan date: 2021-05-10T10:06:49

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Scan date: 2021-05-10T10:07:12

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Scan date: 2021-05-10T10:07:36

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